Frequently Asked Questions
Why should our practice use Desco?
Desco does one thing and we do it well. We provide computer systems to dental practices with a single source, personalized and customized approach. We excel at listening to your special needs and design solutions to address them. Those that have looked closely at our offerings are pleasantly surprised by what they see.
How long has DESCO served the dental community?
Since 1987, we have faced many challenges of changing technology and business climates and continually adapt and overcome these obstacles. We fully understand and take seriously our obligation to provide the highest level of commitment to our customers now and in the future. With a state of the art product, proven track record and dedicated staff, our future is indeed bright.
How will our data be converted?
We perform a complete study of how each piece of data will be mapped from your current system to ours. We have repeatedly proven that an electronic conversion can be done that includes such items as historical ledger detail, AR to the penny, complete schedules and patient insurance details. Other vendors routinely proclaim that is more cost effective to manually enter data rather than perform a comprehensive electronic conversion. They may be more concerned about their profitability rather than your best interest in mind.
Must we purchase hardware from DESCO?
While we encourage you to allow us to be a single source for all your needs, we have worked with other vendors that have provided computer hardware and services. We believe that it is the obligation of any vendor to support those items and services that they sell. We always cooperate to our fullest ability to assist with the resolution of any problem.
How are we trained?
You are trained at your office and at your pace, not ours. This approach allows you to optimize the training experience for your long-term benefit.
What is your greatest challenge?
Marketing. We may be the best kept secret in the dental computer industry. Starting with this website, we intend on changing this condition. Those that know us, sing our praises. This will be the foundation of our future growth.
What's the Desco Difference?
With an intimate understanding of the challenges today’s dental practices face, Desco Dental Systems provides truly integrated computer software solutions.
Our approach to service is simple, yet rare in the industry.
We listen to your needs and then design, install, and support solutions that work for you – with your system, on time, and within budget.